Facts to Know of on Mammography and Breast Screenings

When it comes to women health, one of the conditions that is has become rather widespread with a number out there and many at risk of it is breast cancer. Talking of breast cancers, one thing that we have to appreciate is that it happens to be rather life threatening a condition but this be as it may, with an early diagnosis, you greatly enhance the odds of surviving the condition and you can effectively and successfully treat it anyway.
As a matter of fact, mammography happens to be one of the procedures or techniques that would be of so much help to lots of women who may so happen to be exposed to the risk of such kinds of illnesses affecting their breasts such as breast cancer. Check this post out and see some of the basic facts that you need to know of when it comes to mammography and how it aids with the need to deal with the common breast conditions such as breast cancers and the like.
When it comes to mammography, this is essentially that specialized medical imaging technique where we have the use of the low dose x ray systems to see whatever there may be inside the breasts. A mammogram, which is a mammography examination, will be quite helpful for the need to make an early detection and diagnosis of the breast diseases that you may be suffering from. Go to www.oaklandmacombobgyn.com for more details.
X rays as well known as radiographs are non invasive medical procedures which aid physicians diagnose and treat a wide array of medical conditions. For quite a long period of time, physicians have made use of x rays as the preferred means for conducting medical imaging procedures. By and large, this procedure, x rays or radiography, basically involves the exposure of a part of the body to ionizing radiation that produces images of the inside of the body. Some of the most common radiation imaging techniques used to detect and diagnose some of the breast conditions, mammography procedures, commonly applied are such as; breast tomosynthesis, digital mammography and digital mammography.
Mammograms have been commonly used as a screening tool for the early detection of early detection of cancer in women who may not be experiencing any symptoms. You may be experiencing some symptoms such as lumps, pain, skin dimpling or nipple discharge and if at all this is the case, this may be an indicator of some problems and as such you may need some screening for this which may be through a mammography exam.
Going by the advice and recommendation by the experts, those above 35 years and not above 40 years, these should go for mammogram and breast screening exams once in every year. Those above and at higher risk would be advised to go for the screenings and mammograms twice in a year. Get started by going to www.oaklandmacombobgyn.com.
For a day in the life of an OB/GYN doctor, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEVNHMYYFGQ.